On Wednesday, the Regional Police Inspector, Arvind Kumar Singh formed a Special Investigative Unit (SIT) to investigate the case of an owner who had been shot dead in Hazaribagh on Tuesday night.
Soon after returning to his residence in Hazaribag, Parshuram Prasad who was 45 years old. And owned a nursing home in Bishnugarh was killed on Tuesday.
This is not the first attack he has survived. The initial one happened on January 23 when he was going back home on his bike. The attack took place at about 8 pm along NH-522 at Bhilwara which is located between Hazaribagh-Bishnugarh.
According to the SP, during their previous investigation there were no signs about Prasad. “We asked him if he had any enmity with anyone, but he refused to share any information with us”, said the SP.
In this incident occurred on Tuesday; attackers have shot him in face point blank range. He was immediately taken to Sheikh Bikari Medical College and Hospital where doctors declared him dead.
Currently police are trying to establish criminal motives and identities involved in this attack.