Nenu Keerthana is a film that has only been released but is already attached to Chimata Ramesh Babu as a passion. Despite being all the three – director, actor, and writer, Ramesh Babu also put pen to paper to do the screenplay and dialogues to the film. “When you know the content is great, you should never limit yourself,” Ramesh Babu muses. “I have been in the industry from 1995 and I have done a lot but I have always wanted to make a film with a strong storyline.”
You can also call it an inspiration for which a multi-genre film Nenu Keerthana was made. Johnny is a character who fights for What is right and for justice. However, her images completely changes, when a college girl Keerthana enters into the story as the love interest.”
Ramesh Babu adds that the value of this kashmir montage makes film, in every production values and shots with his parent financing the film. “My wife and my sister from the US have produced this film. Lacshmi Kumari and Jyothirmayi. We have taken pains to ensure the film is of international standards. Locations like Kullu Manali, Hyderabad and Guntur have added glamour to the kerala commercial film,” said Lacshmi Kumari and Jyothirmayi.
The film released on 30th August, has received good response with the audiences, feels Ramesh Babu. “We are very happy with the audience’s reaction so far. The shows are performing on solid box office,’’ he states. “The rain over the weekend affected the sales a little, but we are very confident since there is wonderful feedback about the film. I have gone out to a couple of theaters to see how the audience is reacting and people appeared to be enjoying the film.”