Sushmita Sen, the Indian actress, was in a relationship with Roman Shawl for many years before they announced that their love had fizzled. Nevertheless, they said that they still remained friends. The message read: “They wrote this on their social media page in December 2021 ‘We started out as friends and we still are friends!” Even though the relationship is over; the love is still present.
However, due to Sushmita’s heart attack and angioplasty, Roman has been seen with her a lot of times. Recently he went viral after protecting her from an overzealous fan attempting to take a selfie. Netizens named him Green Flag. All this led to speculations that the two were getting back together.
Meanwhile, Roman now talks about his association with the actress. In an interview with Instant Bollywood, Rohman said those words which meant; “We had been together six years before now so what’s new? We have always been friends and nothing will ever change.”
He also said “It’s something very special and pretty obvious.” By the way, she herself has recently confirmed that she is single again amid rumors of their reunification. At this moment while sitting here today I haven’t got a man in my life at all I’ve stayed away from relationships for some time now I don’t want anyone right now,” added Sushant.
Sushmita did an episode on her podcast called “Rhea Chakraborty”- Chapter Two having Rhea there with her. In addition, Sen spoke about how she experienced heartbreak during one of her interviews saying; “I was highly guarded…I would exit if anything became toxic in that environment quicker than you could write down my name – and I wouldn’t miss it either.”