Actress Sobhita Dhulipala and actor Naga Chaitanya officially got engaged! Having dated for several years, they at last came out and made public their relationship through engagement. On social media, Nagarjuna shared, Naga Caitanya’s father, the good news and posted an official engagement photo.
Nagarjuna tweeted: “Our son Naga Chaitanya is set to marry Soweta Dhulipala today morning at 9:42am! We are very happy about having her as part of our family. I pray that they have a happy life together. 8.8.8 – The beginning of infinite love.”
The engagement ceremony happened in the morning today at Hyderabad in Naga Chaitanya’s home which was so private that only their family was present. They had been rumored to be dating each other for some years now but neither of the two actors has ever confirmed nor denied these reports until recently.