Kharge said in X’s post, “On April 30, 2024, the Election Commission released the final voter turnout data for the first two phases of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The data was released 11 days after the first phase of voting (2024 April 19, 2024) and 4 days after the second phase (April 26, 2024). In this regard, our first question to the Electoral Commission is – why has the Commission delayed the release of voter turnout data?
“Earlier, the commission published voter turnout data within 24 hours of voting. What has changed this time? Why has the commission failed to issue any clarification to justify the delay despite repeated queries from parties and political activists? Is there a problem with the legitimacy of the vote by EVM? Haq asked in a letter to all parties in the Indian group.
“Now, for the first phase (102 seats), the commission said the estimated voter turnout is about 60% as of 7 pm on April 19, 2024, while for the second phase (88 seats) it is similar with an estimated voter turnout With a turnout of approximately 60.96% (all these figures were widely reported by the media), why does the Commission expect the turnout to increase to 65.5% for the first phase on April 20, 2024, and to 65.5% for the second phase on April 27, 2024? Voter turnout increased to 65.5%.
In 2019, did votes increase across constituencies or only in places where the governing regime performed poorly?
Haq asked the Electoral Commission tough questions, saying: “We ask the Commission – for the first phase, why there was a delay of almost 5.5% from the day polls closed (7pm on April 19, 2024) to the final turnout. Release voter turnout data (April 30, 2024)?
For the second phase, from the end of voting (7pm on April 26, 2024) to the delayed release of data (April 30, 2024), the final turnout almost increased by more than 5.74%?
Hager also highlighted discrepancies in the voter turnout data released by the commission, saying it failed to mention key but relevant data – such as how each parliamentary constituency and the respective parliamentary constituencies voted?
“If the voter turnout data were released within 24 hours of the vote, along with the key figures, then we would know if the (5%) increase was seen across constituencies? Or was it only in constituencies where the ruling regime performed poorly in the Congress president? His post read: “2019 election? “
Prime Minister Modi and bjp Hager said they were clearly flustered and frustrated by the decline in voting trends and election results in the first two phases. “The entire country knows that a dictatorial regime drunk on power can retain the presidency to any extent.”
He urged all Indian bloc leaders to collectively, unitedly and unambiguously oppose such differences to “protect the vibrant democratic culture and constitution”.