Hyderabad: reiterated bjpFederal Minister of the Interior’s Commitment to Quotas Amit Shah ‘There will be no end to the People’s Party’, says Sunday Booking for SC, ST, OBC Don’t let anyone mess around with you either.”minister of interior also known as Artificial intelligence management systemBRS and congress as ABC appeasement policy The politics of the country. “BRS and Congress are invited to attend the consecration ceremony of Ram temple in Ayodhya,” he said while addressing public meetings in Secunderabad, Nizamabad and Sirpurga Ghazi Nagar. But they did not come because they were afraid of (MIM chief Asaduddin) Owaisi and their vote bank. We are not afraid of the vote bank.
Congress has been stalling the Ram temple issue for decades and trying to agitate people. After Narendra Modi returned for his second term, he won the case and the temple was built. Accusing the Congress of spreading lies on reserved seats, he said, “Congress said that if Modi gets 400 seats, he will end reservation. The Telangana chief minister has also forwarded my fake video. But I want to express my gratitude to Modi assures you that as long as there is a single MP from the BJP, we will not let anyone disturb reservations for SC, ST and OBC.
Congress has been stalling the Ram temple issue for decades and trying to agitate people. After Narendra Modi returned for his second term, he won the case and the temple was built. Accusing the Congress of spreading lies on reserved seats, he said, “Congress said that if Modi gets 400 seats, he will end reservation. The Telangana chief minister has also forwarded my fake video. But I want to express my gratitude to Modi assures you that as long as there is a single MP from the BJP, we will not let anyone disturb reservations for SC, ST and OBC.