Namrata Gundam, a Kannada actress and a participant of “Big Boss Kannada Season 10,” has recently accused social media Pages that spread false information and personal attacks about her. In response to this, some other participants of the Bigg Boss Kannada 10 show expressed their support for Namratha and condemned the misuse of the social media.
Controversial Scroll
The reel was slammed for transmission of false news about Namratha Gowda. But after taking part in Bigg Boss Kannada, she reportedly faced many personal and professional difficulties as opposed to opportunities. The film was said to have misrepresented Gundam’s current status as well as his achievements in the film industry. It erroneously portrayed that despite her leading role in it, she was out of touch with the rest of the industry and unsuccessful.
Namratha Gowda’s response
Namratha Gowda reacted by saying that “I have always had negative comments from people, trolls but this video affected me more than anything else. They lashed on my issues; I cannot accept this fact whatsoever.” Being an integral part of the film fraternity throughout.
The actress further elucidated: “I have always maintained low profile through social media posts only. My accomplishments are not overnight successes but outcomes of hard work possible through acting skills. There is no truth in speculations about my relationship with Kishan Bilagali. In fact, it does not matter if I connect myself with him or any other person; he is famous dancer making money together with dancing itself.”
She also stated that ‘There is so much negativity on social media even on what I wear.’ “Many opportunities came my way after Bigg Boss Kannada but I refused them all.” Bigg Boss appearance, for instance; decisions regarding my career life are private hence spreading lies is not allow.
Industry reaction
Different quarters in entertainment industry have criticized misusing social media platforms when generating sensational content. Several professionals question its ethical aspect and potential negative impact on individual’s reputation. The incident raises questions about the responsible use of social media and portrayal of public figures in signifying an ongoing trend.
This is Namratha Gowda’s response while at the same time demonstrating how the bigger picture revolves around difficulties that stars face when dealing with social networks’ intricacies within other individuals eyes.