There were two events held in New York City last week for Ruchir Sharma’s latest book, “What’s Wrong with Capitalism”.
The first was organized by the Brook Club where former CEO of Citigroup interviewed Ruchir. The discussion revolved around Sharma’s main argument that the common perception that government is shrinking in recent times is incorrect and that solutions suggested by both major political parties might exacerbate the very issues they intend to address.rather than advocating for an increase in government intervention Sharma suggested rebalancing through increased spending, regulation or protectionism to promote greater economic competition and individual freedoms.

The second event took place at Landmark University Club hosted by Berkshire Hathaway Ajit with Tinku Jain as speaker while Fareed Zakaria was engaged in an investigative interview.

During the interview, Sharma disclosed that he penned this book during the darkest days of the pandemic when governments were implementing widespread lockdowns and pumping trillions of dollars into economies to support those who were stuck at home.
Sharma believes that although many think this crisis is unprecedented it is an inevitable consequence of capitalism gradually shifting towards excessive state control which curbs individual drive as well as economic freedom. Sharing his own experience with nationalism within India, he cautioned against expanding government powers in Western nations.
Both events saw attendance from 100 influencers encompassing CEOs, fund managers, authors and thought leaders. On June 11th “What went wrong capitalism” will go on sale.