The point of the clarification is that a sale or marketing of these products necessitates an FSSAI license number or registration certificate number, as per a recent tweet by FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India).
This means that the FSSAI has discussed the matter in its order and found that A1 and A2 distinction for milk can be traced back to different protein structure (beta casein). Therefore, it is misleading to use any A2 claim on milk fat products as it is contrary to the provisions laid down under FSS Act 2006 & Regulations thereunder.
Additionally, the rules relating to milk standards which are contained in Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 does not mention about anything on A1 or A2 kind of milks.
Therefore, fbos should take notice that this paragraph concludes. Furthermore, E-commerce FBOs are advised to delete all references related to A1 and A2 proteins from their websites. The concerned fbo shall ensure strict compliance with effect from issuance date of this directive. At least however, fbo’s will have six months effective from date of these instructions in which they have exhausted available preprinted labels. Any other extensions or timetables will not be granted to any fbo.
In 2020 according to online reports FSSAI included such popular label descriptions as a2 organic etc.. This is actually misrepresentation by marketers which is misbranding and food adulteration prevention act.
These claims are inconsistent with the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 according to what has been stated by FSSAI. Check out this tweet.
FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) has issued a clarification on the sale/marketing of milk and dairy products (such as ghee, milk, etc.) under the name of A1 and A2 under FSSAI license number and/or registration certificate number.