The 33-minute video focuses on Sandeshkhali Block-II BJP mandal president Gangadhar Koyal. TMC People do it all (level charges). They (complainants) never say no, they do what we tell them. He (Adhikari) told us that if we cannot do this, if we cannot arrest the big shots (Trinamool elders in the area), we will not be able to stand here (survive),” Koyal said. I had to do it all very smartly. We said this (the alleged rape and torture) happened seven or eight months ago. We have to work hard,” he added.
Trinamool, including party president Mamata Banerjee and state general secretary Abhishek Banerjee, took notice of the video. The CM first addressed X and then spoke at length during public meetings at Nadia Chakdar and Tahpur during the day. “This sting shows how deep the corruption goes within the BJP. Out of hatred for Bengal’s progressive ideas and culture, the Bengal Pirodtis (anti-Bengali brigade) hatched a conspiracy to defame our country. History of India Never before has the ruling party in Delhi tried to denigrate the entire country and its people. I’ll find out whose voice it is and comment on it. Later, he said the truth could be “twisted and misleading versions could be spread.” “But it has a short shelf life. In the end, facts win out,” he said. “I will contact the CBI and seek a full investigation so that the perpetrators are punished.”
Coyar himself later called the “viral video a conspiracy and conspiracy.” “They are using technology to fake my voice. This is a ploy to defame me, my party, Sandesh Khali’s mother and my leader (Adhikari),” he claimed.
Rekha Patra, one of the earliest Sandeshkhali complainants and now the BJP candidate from Basirhat LS seat, called the video a “tactic” by Trinamool. “The video is fake and has no basis in fact. Koyal is a BJP man and he can never tell all this,” she said. She claimed Trinamool “could threaten Koyal to tell all this” .
The video shows that BJP president Koyal owes everything to Adhikari. “It was he (Adhikari) who took control… Why did the Sandesh Kali movement survive for so long? He still kept going, that’s why. No one else had the ability to sustain the movement for so long, ” he said in the video. When the interviewer in the film asked him if Adhikari had sent the phone and money, he replied: “You can’t do it all with an empty pocket (khali haat).”
Koyal also said that some women are afraid to complain because they are afraid of going to the police station and being investigated. The video also shows one woman saying she quit because she wasn’t given proper instructions. When asked whether the pistol later recovered by the central agency was “placed”, Shanti Dolui, president of the BJP’s Sandeshkhali Block-I, nodded in agreement with the interviewer.
The male interviewer remains unidentified throughout the film, but from the body language of Coyar and others, they appear to be comfortable with him and understand him.
“You have written a very good drama for Sandeshkhali,” CM Banerjee said later in Chakdah. “I have been telling you for some time that this is a conspiracy, a drama written by the PPP. I have heard about it from the media, I have not seen it in detail myself, but I will definitely see it,” CM Add to.