A couple of irate whale Pushed one down Boat Two prior fisher men fall into sea As per the New York Post, it is situated in New Hampshire, USA. There were no human or animal injuries reported.
Ryan Whitney posted a video showing two whales overturning a boat and forcing fishermen out of it.
“Today, there was an angry whale patrolling the waters of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. If you are there kindly do not turn your head,” wrote Whitney.
The U.S. Coast Guard called on other fishing boats to help them.
According to experts’ opinions, this incident was almost tragic coincident and was not related with any hostile behavior by humpback whales.
“It’s just an accident,” said Dianna Schulte co-founder and research director for Blue Ocean Conservancy as quoted by New York Post.
“The individuals in the film should be more careful about going out fishing with large whales around because (accidents) may ensue,” Schultz stated
Schultz added: “Whales will open their mouths to move through schools of fish and then close their mouths right before they break water.”