Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro summoned true in seeing that toward the cabinet released on tuesday Minister of Petroleum, Finance, and National Oil Corporation PDVSA leaders after the unpopular – Democrat Likewise both the government and the opposition never trumped in the battle.
Reverting of ruling party Convener Diosdado Cabello to the cabinet also denotes an easing of political throat and comrade Vice President Delcy Rodriguez will also include oil in her list of responsibilities which will be presented in the context of other.
The splits evident in the results of the July 28 elections, added the need for domestic and foreign circles for an indefinite updating of the schedules of all election witnesses without the release of the results for scorched earth violent industrial scale protests and a paradigm shift to a more aggressive stance on the part of the country’s lawyers towards the opposition and journalists even when the opposition was craving for changes to the ruling style It is still doable.
Maduro in the televised event said the decision to switch cabinet is linked to additional purpose which is ‘Supplementary changes regarding the functionality of the cabinet are also embraced within the volumes that will be Blood for most of recent history has filled the streets of the Venezuelan capital politics instead put blood into the changes X” and there is a lot that the team can anyway expand let it out to the civil awaiting in line behind.
Cabello, a hugging companion of Colonel Chavez, takes the responsibility of the new interior, justice and peace apparatus of the Nation after being the second in command in the ruling party, having taken The country’s defence and international relations affairs were entrusted to a powerful SUV now. He is a regular host of a vibrant weekly show telecasted by the national TV where he blasts the opposition and Venezuelainternational critics.
Etched in time is the promise Mrs. Sonia Garcia made to this columnist upon his assumption of the vice president`s office sometime last year, where she stated, ‘Venezuela is attempting to reach a final peace today…it is a peace after all just, in which citizens know that those who break constitutional law are properly and rapidly punished.’
Maduro stated that in addition to housing Delcy Rodriguez, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez will retain her post but in addition to her brief include the oil ministry, while Annabel Pereira will take her place as the minister for the economy alongside regards to taxes.
With respect to Rodriguez, when in the position of economic planning manager opportunities were established with business individuals who will be beneficial for PDVSA in ensuring more sales as the country is facing inflation and other economic problems as well U.S. sanctions.
Hector Obregon will be the new president of PDVSA, according to Madurow who announced it on state television, Pedro tellechea is to be replaced as obregon and assume the role of minister of the industry instead.
Election dispute
In cases of attack, the head and latter repeat what observer opinion said on his authority as he noted, Ivan Gil and Vladimir Padrino ‘will be retained in their current posts as foreign and defense ministers respectively’.
As per the earlier report from Reuters with three rounds, it was stated that Maduro would name Obregón to PDVSA, and would occupy other posts, such as oil minister, still vacant.
Obregón, the lawyer, joined in the executive committee of PDVSA last year, because he undertook some functions of the government also including those in the ministry of finance and Development Bank of Venezuela.
Tellechea who was appointed into the embattled company in PDVSA and oil ministry in 2023, promised to fight against the rampant corrupt practices that have eaten into the financial health of the company but seeks to rally thousands of workers towards this move, one that would be critical to raising revenue for the country.
“The vacuum of power that existed after the elections can be filled by foreign interventions and Madurowhy has to be afraid of permanent artitional protests to restore legal order by any day” Rodriguez opposition leaders Maria Collina Machado said to Reuters on T uesday.
Workers and unions allege that hundreds of workers of PDVSA, the OIl ministry and other arms of the public sector, have been hounded out of work or they themselves resigned after the elections due to political reasons.