As pollution levels rise and health worsens further during winters, consuming Tulsi juice is a blessing. Choose the right Tulsi juice to improve breathing and prevent respiratory diseases naturally. Read on to learn more about these options and their benefits.
Our pick of the best Tulsi juices for respiratory health:
Dabur Giloy Neem Tulsi Juice brings together the combination of three key herbs of Ayurveda: Giroy, Neem and Tulsi to give you the power of a natural supplement for respiratory health. Tulsi is also believed to have properties that help relieve respiratory conditions, while giloy helps boost immunity and neem purifies the body. Ayurvedic juices made from natural fresh fruits and vegetables provide immediate relief from organic pollution, seasonal or winter ailments caused by genetic pollution. It is an antioxidant that protects the lungs from environmental factors, so it is highly recommended for overall respiratory health – it is a way to strengthen the immune system and support better breathing without interference from medications Popular choice.
Main ingredients: Giloi, Neem and Tulsi
Kapiva Wild Tulsi Giloy Juice combines the benefits of wild Tulsi and neem-grown giloy to provide a potent blend that promotes respiratory health and a strong immune system. Tulsi clears the respiratory tract, reduces inflammation and often relieves allergy problems during the season, while giloy helps boost immunity levels and prevent respiratory diseases. This juice helps relieve the effects of pollution and winter illnesses, relieving coughs and nasal congestion. It is made using only fresh, natural ingredients; it has cleansing and energizing properties and is an important part of a healthy lifestyle that promotes respiratory and overall health.
Main ingredients: wild tulsi and giloy
Vansaar 45+ Neem Grown Giloi Tulsi Juice makes it a unique 4-in-1 immune-boosting herbal juice like hand-picked Tulsi and Neem-grown Giloi. This espresso is rich in NIB (Natural Immune Booster), which promotes respiratory health by clearing the airways and combating allergy issues associated with winter and pollution. We specifically chose this product because its formula covers all aspects of immunity and is based on completely natural ingredients. It purifies the body, has potent anti-inflammatory properties, and protects you from respiratory irritations—making it a top choice for those looking to achieve optimal respiratory health as described in Ayurveda.
Main ingredients: giloy and tulsi
Zandu’s Tulsi Giloy Health Juice is a blend of Tulsi, Giloy and three other herbs, a traditional remedy for respiratory ailments. This juice helps clear respiratory debris, controls redness, and boosts immunity to fight off pandemics, climate change, or pollution that affects the respiratory system. For best results, use 15-30 ml of this antioxidant juice in the morning and afternoon on an empty stomach. If a person wants to boost immunity, remove toxins from the liver, or deal with respiratory discomfort, then he or she should prefer using it. Great for daily use to support overall health.
Main ingredients: Giloi, tulsi, ginger, cinnamon and black pepper
Everherb Giloy Tulsi Juice stands out for its 100% Ayurvedic natural ingredients and no added sugar, making it a pure, healthy choice for boosting immunity and supporting respiratory health. The combination of Giloy (Guduchi) and Tulsi is known for reducing inflammation, clearing the respiratory tract and fighting seasonal allergies. What makes it unique is that it focuses on strengthening the body’s defense system and does not contain any artificial additives. It has high antioxidant content, which helps detoxify the body and prevent respiratory discomfort. It is the perfect natural remedy for overall health and respiratory support.
Main ingredients: giloy and tulsi
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