The sequel to Todd Phillips’s Joker may surprise people due to its bold break with the previous work as reported. Alberto Barbera, director of Venice Film Festival mentions that the film is totally different from the first one including more violence and tone in general. “This is a dystopian musical or kind of” Barbera said and regarded it as one of the best and bravest American films done recently.
Barbera told me he was not prepared for what happened when I saw Joker 2 with Scott Silver in Los Angeles. right. He made it clear that Todd Phillips’ “Joker 2” explores darkness and complexity more than its prequel, thereby cementing his position as a very innovative director.
Although Todd Phillips is best known for comedies such as Due Date, Old School, and The Hangover trilogy; many were surprised by his turn towards serious and artistic filmmaking. Through this praise from Barbera concerning Phillip’s career so far, we get insights on how talented has developed with time irrespective of where one starts off. He confessed at first he had reservations regarding Phillips but “Joker” gave him much needed assurance.
Apart from discussing “Joker 2”, Barbera also hailed Luca GuadagninoFor Daniel Craig, playing James Bond in Quantum of Solace was his magnum opus. This is supported by earlier reports which praised Craig’s acting in this film. In addition to these two films being shown during the second week of Venice Film Festival, Telluride Film Festival did not feature them alongside Pedro Almodovar’s latest film.
These revelations have stirred up immense anticipation among movie enthusiasts: they are eager to see what new aspects Joker 2 will bring forth about its predecessors’ characters and story line. It presents itself as one of the most distinct—form cinema has ever witnessed through music—henceforth expect anything usual or trite from this movie.