The Biden administration has expressed deep concerns about the potential for Chinese companies to collect sensitive data on U.S. drivers and infrastructure, as well as the risk of foreign manipulation of connected cars. influence in the US market.
Car hacker fear
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said in May, Chinese software Or the hardware in connected U.S. vehicles is very important. “Theoretically, if there were millions of cars on the road and the software was disabled, you could imagine the most catastrophic outcome,” she reportedly said.
The Department plans to provide a 30-day public comment period before finalizing the rule. The proposed ban would extend to vehicles with certain Bluetooth, satellite and wireless capabilities, as well as highly automated vehicles capable of operating without a human driver.
Automakers disapprove of ban
The move is expected to face opposition from the auto industry, which has warned of changes to vehicle hardware and software. Although relatively few Chinese-made light vehicles are imported into the United States, the proposed regulations will have broader implications for the security of the connected vehicle supply chain.
Trade groups representing major automakers such as General Motors Co, Toyota Motor Corp, Volkswagen AG, Hyundai Motor Co and others have warned that changing hardware and software would take time and be costly. The automakers note that their systems “go through an extensive pre-production engineering, testing and validation process and generally cannot be easily interchanged with systems or components from different suppliers.”
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