New Delhi:A delhi court Rejected every month recently maintain a woman claimed domestic violence and the cruel conduct of her husband and in-laws, it was ruled that she was not entitled to alimony as she was able to support herself.
The first-level judge of the Gita Court pointed out that in marital disputes, both parties often exaggerate the shortcomings of the other party to settle accounts. “It is the husband’s moral obligation to support his wife and children, and he cannot evade it.”
The woman filed a complaint in court stating that she married Prince Pawar in November 2020. and tortured her for dowry.
In response, the husband denied all accusations of domestic violence.
The court noted that various allegations and counter-allegations had been made by both parties but could not be resolved at this stage due to lack of evidence.
The woman further told the court that her husband worked in the Federal Ministry of Finance as Assistant Section Chiefearning about 130,000 rupees per month.
She also claimed that he owns about 10 shops on Delhi’s Karol Baghtank Road, which generates a monthly rental income of about Rs 8 lakh and that he is a shareholder in this income. In addition, she said he owned five buses that he used for his tour business.
However, the woman was employed by the Federal Ministry of Defense as superior clerkShe earns about Rs 43,900 per month and said she is financially dependent on her parents.
In opposing her application for alimony, the husband argued that she was fully capable of supporting herself and granting alimony would create an unnecessary burden. financial burden on him.
He told the court that he earned around Rs 50,142 a month from his job in the department and also had parental responsibilities.
“This Court is of the considered opinion that the petitioner is not entitled to interim alimony as she is fully capable of supporting herself,” the court concluded.