Simbu, an actor who starred in the movie “battutara” and is currently shooting for Mani Ratnam’s “thug life”. ’The forthcoming Porgram code pertain to its “Vendu Tanindatu Kadu” as well as star in a forthcoming movie called “Corona Kumar”, directed by Gokul N Krishna, and produced by Ishari K Ganesh. However, Simbu pulled out of the project under unclear circumstances raising allegations that he already pocketed the advance before.
Later on, Vels Production producer Ishari K Ganesh talked with producers committee He has insisted that Simbu should not act in other films without paying back his deposit or at least promising to do another one under this film’s banner. This disagreement between producers and actors has been a long time coming.
During the tussle, Simbu also agreed to work with the director on his movie STR 48 Desingh Periyasamy. It is said that Kathy Suresh is playing the main female character. All pre-production activities have ended while waiting for Thug Life completion by Simbu then shooting will commence.