Earlier this year, Parineeti appeared on Raj Shamani’s podcast and revealed how and when the magic happens. She said: “We met at an event in London and usually I would just say hello and move on, but this time I said, ‘Let’s have breakfast together’. Including our team, there were about 8 people To 10 people, we met at breakfast the next day and I had no idea who he was or what he did and I did look up at him after breakfast and I learned about all the work he did. Realizing that, even weeks, days later, we would be married, she said, “I swear, within five minutes of me meeting Raghav, I knew I was going to marry this man. I didn’t even know that. Knowing if he was married, had kids, how old he was…he just sat in front of me eating breakfast and I looked at this man and said, ‘I think I’m going to marry this man man’. It was some kind of God in me. sound.
Parineeti also said that although it was just a scheduled meeting, they both knew there was more to it. She added, “Of course, the relationship develops and everything happens, we often say, ‘How’s the kids, how’s the family, what are your values?'” Even at the interview stage, we were all getting married, which was We got to know each other later.