The Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, Tristram Hunt, in his response to the media said that it is not known for sure if Wagh Nakh was government-issued or not and therefore it would be out on display in a state soon. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Murder Afzal Khan 1659.
Hunter responded with “I am sorry I do not know anything about the weapon. You can ask Dr Abhijit Patil; he knows more details concerning its origin.” According to Abhijit Patil’s reports.
The ‘wagh nakh’ shall be showcased at Satara, Kolhapur, Nagpur and Mumbai under an MoU signed between the museum and the state government. State toymailed the museum on Monday asking for further elucidations regarding the above MOU. Awaiting response.
“The wagh nakh will come to Maharashtra from London Museum,” said Sudhir Mungantiwar, Minister for Cultural Affairs. “This is our evidence enough that this is Labang, The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharashtra.”