The disease diabetes is rapidly increasing in India and 30% of the population is affected by it. According to a study from The Lancet, almost 101 million people in India (approximately 11.4% of the country’s population) are victims of diabetes while early on stage, 136 million people in India have diabetes (about 15.3% of the country’s population). Finally, reversing this problem is even more important today than it has ever been because of the growing threat posed by this lifestyle disease with Indians being the most prone to it compared to other countries.
This increase in cases of diabetes means that people have become dependent on drugs such as insulin. Remission patients do not require medication but they must perform regular self-monitoring since remission does not mean cure. One can live a long life without complications related to diabetes if he or she exercises regularly, maintains good eating habits as well as adheres to medications recommended by doctors.
Times Internet introduces TOI Health+ and holds an interesting webinar where leading diabetologist Dr. V Mohan, Chairman Madras Diabetes Research Foundation answered whether reversal for everyone suffering from diabetes was possible.
This disease is a growing menace; preventive measures are necessary
Dr V Mohan said some cities may have higher incidence than others but diabetes would not develop in everyone.
“So we’re seeing Chennai, Delhi, some other cities. It has gone up to 30 percent,” he said; “In very many states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar large numbers have pre-diabetes and small numbers have overt diabetics: i.e., they will become diabetic.”
He stressed on fighting this disease before it sets foot especially in states whose rates of prediabetes are still high and where more people fall under the prediabetic category.
Can you put diabetes into remission?
Diabetes remission: This refers to diabetics of type-2 who meet criteria for reversal but maintain their blood glucose level below diabetes range without taking medicines.
However, is it the same for everyone? Is it appropriate for all types of diabetes? Remission is not possible with some forms of diabetes such as type 1 and fibrocalcific pancreatic diabetes. According to Dr V Mohan but many cases of type 2 diabetes can be reversed if the patient meets certain criteria and is willing to lead a proper life The way changes.
“Type 2 diabetes (pre-diabetes or even later) has a long natural history so you can intervene before developing into full blown diabetes. It complications take several years after the disease actually starts,” he said.
Dr. V Mohan has listed five factors that determine whether someone is in remission from having had diabetes. He calls it the ABCD mantra.
- A-A1C: A stands for A1c, which measures one’s level of control of sugar.5.6 is normal while the highest number is six point four. Six point four means it has been managed well enough not to be considered to be full blown diabetic people with very high blood sugars like eight or nine are still diabetic though there may be hope.
- B-weight: B stands for weight. The more obese one gets, the higher their chance of getting relief comes from. Thin individuals with type II Diabetes are more likely to have severe disease without having insulin in their bodies, they do not count carbohydrates or change things on their diet plan along to get relief The higher degree of obesity increases chances for remission.
- C-C peptide: Insulin secretion is measured well by it. The more of C-peptide you have the more chances are there that you can reverse diabetes while if you have little amount of it then it means your pancreas has died.
- D-Duration of disease: It’s hard to get relief when it lasts longer.
- E – A passionate person: Lack of enthusiasm will not help; it can’t be a matter of months, but rather a lifetime dieting period for one to get through.