Harleen Sethi, who is an actress, disclosed that she had PCOS at about twenty one years of age. “I have been suffering from high levels of cortisol as my face was always covered with pimples right from the time I hit puberty. I even sought advice from doctors who gave me antibiotics but couldn’t find out the real cause.” My mom told me to stop doing HIIT and start practicing Yoga for my PCOD to become normal again, which worked perfectly well. pranayama It has helped me a lot.
She spoke about different types of yoga she practices saying, “I’ve never really been a fan of power yoga because I prefer hatha yoga Traditional this styles. Holding in a position is not important; it’s the body’s response to it that counts.” Moreover, I practice Yin Yang and Iyengar Yoga. For example, while breathing profoundly during every pose is emphasized by Yin Yang iyengar yoga This type entails using ropes, blocks, chairs and other props to help you go beyond your limits.
The internet also helped her fight off sinus complications (the process of cleaning nasal passages). “mine That’s how I feel about its mat Like sunshine in my life… And you know what; it gives me positive vibes at the beginning of everyday.” “Having different forms of yoga will help you balance yourself.” Harleen admits she travels a lot due to work assignments and has an inconsistent timetable yet still tries to maintain consistency through learning various forms of yoga.