India ushered in 2025 with a lot of excitement, with family gatherings and celebrations taking center stage on New Year’s Eve. Data from top fast commerce platforms in India such as flashing, Zeputo Others show a night spent stocking up on party essentials like chips, soft drinks and water bottles, reflecting the festive mood across the city. Blinkit CEO Albinder Dhindsa and co-founder Phani Kishan A Sviji and Swiggy Instamartshared multiple posts on X (formerly Twitter), providing real-time updates on the most ordered items on its platform.
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What do Indians eat on New Year’s Eve?
Snacks become a party staple. Blinkit reported that 2.30 lakh packets of aloo bhujia had been delivered as of 8 pm on December 31, 2024, while Swiggy Instamart potato chip orders surged to 853 orders per minute around 7:30 pm. Popular searches on the platform that night included milk, chips, chocolate, grapes and cheese.
Ice and cold drinks are other party essentials, but virtual shelves are being stripped bare. As of 8 pm, Blinkit had delivered 6,834 packs of ice, and BigBasket’s ice orders surged 1,290%. Highlighting the madness, Phani Kishan A tweeted, “Ice peaked at 7:41pm, 119kg delivered in that minute!”
There is also a boom in non-alcoholic beverages, with BigBasket reporting a 552% increase in sales, while disposable cups and plates are up 325%, heralding family gatherings. Sales of sparkling water and mocktails followed suit, growing by more than 200%, capping off a night of fun and lively celebrations.
Dhindsa posted on ”.
“Order Nimboo now! Is it officially tequila time? 🍋,” he wrote in another post.