A person’s relationship with his father is often not normal, and misunderstandings may often arise due to trivial matters at home. If there is a lack of self-confidence, health problems, work challenges, mental stress, financial difficulties, social reputation is negatively affected, then the Sun is in a weak position in the person’s chart.
according to Celebrity Astrologer Paduman SuriWhen the Sun is king among all the planets, when the Sun is strong in a person’s chart, they have extraordinary self-confidence. Such people often succeed in senior government positions. If they don’t want to work in government jobs, they excel in fields like politics, jewellery, finance, management, diplomacy and medicine related businesses.
These people gain respect in society as preachers or great speakers. They also found success in businesses related to electrical products, arms sales, restaurants or confectionery. Their relationship with their father is usually friendly and harmonious.
How to intensify sunlight?
1. Giving water to the Sun can neutralize the weak position of the Sun in the chart.
2. Sitting in the direction of the sun can increase the power of the sun, especially facing east at sunrise.
3. Chant “Om Suryaay Namah” or “Om Hreem Suryaay Namah”.
4. Wearing ruby or manikya gemstones may be beneficial. Men should wear it on the ring finger of their right hand, and women should wear it on the ring finger of their left hand.
5. Perform sun worship on Sunday.
Written by: Celebrity Astrologer Parduman Suri..!!