New Delhi: India lodges strongest protest against Canadian minister’s “ridiculous and baseless” remarks against home minister Amit Shahthe foreign ministry said on Saturday, adding that it had also lodged a formal protest with the Justin Trudeau government over recently exposed conduct of Indian diplomats in India. Canada was placed under “audio and video surveillance.”
“Regarding the latest Canadian targets, we convened canadian high commission The Government of India, in a diplomatic note on Friday… expressed its strongest protest against Deputy Minister David Morrison’s ridiculous and baseless reference to the Union Home Minister of India in a committee meeting. The fact that senior Canadian officials deliberately leaked baseless insinuations to the international media as part of a conscious strategy to discredit India and influence other countries only confirms the Indian government’s long-standing perception of the political agenda and policies of the current Canadian government. behavioral patterns. This irresponsible behavior will have serious consequences for bilateral relations.
The latest spat between Canada and India erupted after Morrison confirmed Shah’s name in a parliamentary session and linked him to actions against Sikh activists.
The “baseless” allegation came after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused Indian agents of involvement in the murder of Sikh activists. Hardeep Singh Nijar.
In addition to the accusations, Canada has listed India as an “adversary” in its national cyber threat assessment, further exacerbating diplomatic tensions.
The report suggests that Indian state-sponsored cyber actors may be conducting espionage against Canada.
Indian diplomats under surveillance
Jaiswal further said that the Canadian government recently informed some consular officials that “they have been and will continue to be subject to audio and video surveillance.”
“Their communications were also intercepted. We have lodged a formal protest with the Government of Canada as we consider these actions to be a flagrant violation of relevant diplomatic and consular conventions. The Government of Canada cannot prove the fact that it is indulging in harassment by citing technical details.” Our Diplomatic and consular personnel already operate in an extremist and violent environment, and this action by the Canadian government exacerbates the situation and is inconsistent with established diplomatic norms and practices.
Diwali event canceled
Regarding reports of cancellations of Diwali celebrations in Parliament Hill, Jaiswal said: “We have seen some reports of this. Unfortunately, the prevailing climate of intolerance and extremism in Canada has reached a fever pitch.”
Regarding the Canadian government’s reduction in visa numbers, the spokesperson said: “We are monitoring the well-being of students and professionals working in Canada. We remain very concerned about their safety and security.”
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