Deepak Tijori A colleague has reported that a complaint has been made to the Amboli police station in Mumbai which states that he was cheated of Rs. 1.75 million producers Vikram Kajal. A report from Bollywood Hungama states that the complaint was made on September 17.
The FIR alleged that in the year 2019 Deepak Tijori had a conversation regarding the movie tipsey which he had delayed with Vikram Khakhar a producer then. Kajal introduced the idea of shooting the movie in London which required preparing Rs. 1.5 million for that purpose. As of Rossi international no. So as of March 3, 2020 a total of 1 million. Rs 17.40 lakh thus transferred to vikram including the specified amount and GST.
Deepak complained that whenever he inquired about the status of the film, Vikram would always lay the blame on the Covid-19 pandemic and said that the shooting of the film in Europe was stalled because of. Later on, when the adverse effects of the pandemic were over, Kajal still found other reasons to avoid health issues and not to follow with the film. Since it was clear to him that Cajal did not want to assist in commencing the shooting for ‘Tipsey,’ after the reasonable time, Tijori caused him to return the funds. Vikram would add that the money would be returned, although it was never done. Since Deepak was not able to meet him on March 14 and decided to message Kajal, she in turn assured him about a meeting which never took place.
Tijori said that when he viewed the expenses incurred in what appeared to be an unreasonable expenditure trying to resurrect “Tipsey,” it dawned on him that there were no actual expenses in the making of the film.
This complaint was registered under section 420 (punishment to cheating) and section 406 (criminal breach of trust) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita which has been recently enacted.
Vikram Khakhar was the last to produce a film ‘Bhaiyya Ji’ in which Raj Parmar was also one of the co-producers and biggest producer of the upcoming film Talaakhon Mein Ek starring Vikrant Messi and Rakhi Khanna.