Darshan TugudipaPopular Kannada actor, currently famous for Renuka Swamy Murder Case. he was granted bail karnataka high court December 13, 2024, after several months in detention. Recently, his brother Dinaka addressed rumors of a feud between them and confirmed that they plan to collaborate on a project in the future.
According to a report in The New Indian Express, Darshan’s brother said that a project between them is definitely on the horizon, although it might not start until 2026 due to Darshan’s existing film commitments.
Talking about the rumors of rift with Darshan, Dhinaka said family dynamics can be challenging. He admits there are occasional disagreements. However, he stressed that their family bond remains strong and even with less interaction at times, their bond is intact. Back pain. The actor is undergoing physical therapy and is being closely monitored to determine the best treatment option for his condition.
For the uninitiated, Darshan was arrested on June 11 following the murder of Renuka Swamy, whose body was found near a drain in Bengaluru with multiple injuries . Investigation revealed that the victim was suspected of sending obscene messages to others Pavitra GundamShe is Darshan’s girlfriend and reportedly led to the violent incident.