The Centre said on Monday that Bihar’s request for “special category status” has not been implemented till now due to the fact that it was examined and declined in the past. A day before, all political parties of the state, including two allies of BJP-Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal and Chirag Paswan’s Lok Janshakti Party, raised the demand for special category status. The recommendations were made to the state at an all-party meeting ahead of the monsoon session of Parliament.
“The inter-ministerial group (IMG) considered Bihar’s request for special category status which submitted its report on March 30, 2012. The IMG concluded that as per the existing NDC criteria, Bihar is still determining whether or not it should be given this exclusive tag”. Finance Minister Pankaj Chowdhury says in written answer to question Rampreet Mandal JD(U) MP from Jhanjharpur, Bihar.
“There have been occasions when National Development Council (NDC) gave program assistance to states with special reference to certain traits. Some of these characteristics are: hilly and difficult terrain; low population density or a large proportion of tribal population. Strategic location bordering neighboring countries; poor economy and infrastructure; unsustainable state finances,” stressed out the minister.
Further reply stated: “The decision against granting special category status to Bihar was taken taking into consideration all the factors mentioned above and the special circumstances of the state.”
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar who has sixteen MLAs and is one among those who contribute significantly towards BJP led. National Development Alliance Government is now set aback by Centre’s response in Lok Sabha. Many believe that Nitish Kumar’s old demands will be met by BJP led government. This reply from Centre will put Nitishji on back foot vis-à-vis opposition in his own state where claim for special status is very much part of politics.
“Nitish ji, you failed”
Lalu Prasad, RJD President was quick to attack Nitish Kumar and asked for his resignation. RJD said that this was outright betrayal on the part of chief minister of Bihar and added that it will contest for special status to Bihar. “When this government was formed with the support of 2 AB (Andhra Pradesh and Bihar), we thought Bihar’s demands would be met. But unfortunately Nitish Ji, you failed,” said RJD leader Manoj Jha. “They quoted the NDC report. Who are you trying to fool? If you can change the decades-old decision on RSS, why not change the NDC decision?” asked the RJD leader.
“Bihar is being made a labour-supplying state by BJP and Prime Minister Modi. They should remember without development of Bihar, no dream of a developed India can be realized,” he said.
“My believe is that Bihar will receive special treatment.”
However, LJP which is part of government at Centre hopes. Bihar will get a special package in coming budget as given to some other states in the past.
The notion of special status has come into being even before the advent of the Planning Commission. No state has been conferred with special category status after NITI Aayog came into existence. Nonetheless, the states have certainly obtained specific packages to promote their development rapidly. We are all public representatives and we have to be the people. Let the voice of the people reach the Parliament. This is our demand and we are hopeful about the upcoming budget… Bihar, which is now firmly standing in support of this, will get special treatment because Bihar is bound by close ties. LJP (RV) MP Shambhavi Choudhary stated this in a statement.