much awaited kannada action thriller Movie ‘Bagheera“, starring Sri Muralin theaters on October 31, 2024. Dr. Suri And by Prashant NeelKnown for delivering blockbusters like “KGF” and “Salal”, the film had a slow start at the box office.
The film collected around Rs 280 crore at the box office on its opening day, which is relatively low considering its huge hype. Collections gradually increased in the first three days, with collections of Rs 3.3 billion on the second day and Rs. 3.5 billion on the third day. The film is expected to collect Rs. 315 crore on the fourth day, bringing the total collection to Rs. 130 million.
On November 3 (Sunday), the overall occupancy rate of the film in Kannada theaters was approximately 58.37%, including 24.83% for morning screenings, 71.60% for afternoon screenings, 72.49% for evening screenings, and 64.55% for night screenings. Showing that while interest is growing, it still needs a big push to restore its production budget and achieve profitability. phenomenon of justice. This duality has been compared to popular superhero narratives, with fans referring to Sri Murali as “indian batman” The film also tells the story Rukmini VasanthPrakash Raj and Sudha Rani in pivotal roles.
Despite facing tough competition from other Diwali films like Tamil film ‘Amaran’ and various Telugu films like ‘Lucky Bhaskar’ and ‘Ka’, ‘Bagheera’ has managed to maintain a steady audience group.