Recently, a heartwarming video of Arti and Dipak’s wedding was circulated on social media. Krishan and Rayanarrive Govinda’s son Yashvardhan Ahuja. The moment was very charming and the sons of Krushna and Kashmera greeted Yashvardhan with Namaste, which Yashvardhan found adorable. The film captures Yashvardhan interacting with the children, creating a delightful scene that is sure to put a smile on your face.
Krushna Abhishek and Kashmira ShahThe sons greeted Yashvardhan Ahuja warmly when they met for the first time. Yashvardhan was visibly happy to see the children. Yashvardhan looked quite handsome in a white Indian sherwani.
At Arti Singh’s wedding, there was much anticipation for the presence of Govinda, uncle of Bollywood superstar Krushna Abhishek. People are curious whether he will skip the event or attend, perhaps to reconcile past differences. The veteran actor chose to mend the rift and attend the wedding. He not only attended the event but also extended his blessings to Arti and her husband Dipak Chauhan. He even met Krushna Abhishek’s children and Kashmera Shah.
After the wedding, Kashmera spoke exclusively to Bombay Times about Govinda’s presence at the wedding and what happened next, sharing, “He was angry with Krushna and me, but with Ati Not angry. I wanted him to attend the ceremony for her and I was so happy that he did and I was the only one at the entrance to greet the guests when they came in while Krushna was on stage with Arti. He and I were walking across from each other, and it was quite surreal to be honest. Our eyes met; I said a namaste and he smiled back. I walked up to him and led him directly to the podium. I bent down to touch his feet, but he wouldn’t let me, just like the elders used to stop you from bending down to bless you. He said, “Jeete raho, khush raho”. I bent down to touch his feet. This is an apology. As a daughter-in-law, I have to do this.
She also opened up about letting her twins meet Govinda, “I introduced my children (six-year-old twins Krishaang and Rayaan) to Mr. Govinda and asked him to bless them. He hugged them and it was That’s my purpose.
Arti and Dipak tied the knot on April 25 at the Irvine Temple in Juhu, Mumbai. At the wedding, Arti wore a red lehenga and for the wedding, she wore a pastel pink saree.
Govinda attends Krushna’s sister Arti Singh’s wedding but without wife Sunita Ahuja; trolls wrote, ‘His wife is So strong and negative”