Anubhav Sinha ko gussa kyun aata hai? Recently, when former Uttarakhand Attorney General Aloke Lal posed this question to the filmmakers while talking about his film at the Dehradun Crime Literature Festival, Anubhav shared a an anecdote. He revealed that a senior film producer recently advised him to “be less angry” and make lighter films. He said: “I know I’m the irritating one (pointing out problems). I like to make funny movies; I don’t want to see all this (social problems), but I don’t know how not to see it all. I’d rather see Less than it. He later added, “If you look at my movies, they all complain about[problems in our society]and all of them end with hope. “
Article 15
“I don’t believe movies are a mirror of society”
While discussing No. 15, Aloke Lal told Anubhav, “When I was SP Barabanki, I clearly remember the path shown in No. 15. In fact, Ayushmann played The scene where the character joins as an ASP, ignorant of the caste system – that aspect of the movie resonated with me, you think. Article 15 Do your other socially relevant films have an impact on society?
Anubav Response: “I personally think that when we make movies like this, we don’t have much impact on society. People watch a movie, discuss it for a while, and then forget about it. I don’t believe that movies are a mirror of society. All movies can do is Spark discussion.
“Mulk is a love story”
Anubhav shared that he has traveled to many places and visited many countries and found that no country in the world can compare with India. He said: “I think this is the best country in the world, and even if you watch my last five movies, you will learn a lot. So I ask myself, ‘You have done a lot by teaching.’ “Then it occurred to me that we also have complaints about our fathers, our mothers, our schools.” He elaborated: “Well Amitabh Bachchan I’m glad to meet you. So we are those brooding lovers who don’t express our love and say hey, this is love, why do we have to tell it over and over again?
Talking about Mulk, Anubhav said, “When Mulk was released, I said it is a love story. It is a love story between a Hindu and a Muslim – in a love story, people fight.