This kitchen is looked at as the center of the household where nourishment and good energy come from. It is important for you to keep this place clean and pure so that it can be essential towards your mental health and spiritual well-being.
According to Feng Shui An ancient science of architecture which studies about space energies, location energies, astrological tendencies and then makes a placement of things correct in kitchen design, layout and elements can significantly affect the overall energy flow in a home.
So here are some necessary Answer prompt If you’re considering moving or renovating, this is for you!
1 direction: The best spot for the kitchen should be on the house’s southeast side. This element is associated with fire which ensures prosperity and good health.
Stove placement: The stove should also be placed in the Southeast corner as it represents fire element. When kept in North-eastern corner, it could cause monetary losses.
Tank and water reservoir: Sink and water should head north east within its confines as this region signifies water element. For instance, avoid placing sink next to stove to reduce conflict between fire and water.
Color scheme: Dark colors create a very heavy atmosphere so use light soothing colors
Ventilation: Make sure that there are no negative ions around by allowing free flow of positive energy through windows or exhausts in your kitchen.
Avoid light beams: As much as possible don’t put beams directly over cooking area because they block positive energy flowing freely.
Plants: In order to foster growth and positivity you can place small plants or herbs in eastern or northern corners of your kitchen.
Garbage disposal: At all times cover up the trash can placed at southeast corner of the kitchen while cleaning regularly this bin ought to be done twice weekly.