In connection with the Election Commission directive, an animated video shared by the Bharatiya Janata Party in Karnataka on reservation rights for Muslims has been removed from social media platform ‘X’. The video was ordered to be taken down immediately by the poll panel on Tuesday.
The Commission’s letter to ‘X’ and a copy of it to nodal officer revealed that Chief Electoral Officer of Karnataka had failed to act as per social media instructions. It said European commission officials have however announced that they had pulled the controversial clip off its website after having issued a new order regarding “X”.
Karnataka Congress lodged a complaint against BJP with Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer for instigating hatred between Muslims and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. In relation to this, the complaint highlights an animated video shared by Karnataka Bharatiya Janata Party, which showed caricatures of Rahul Gandhi, Congress leader and Siddaramaiah, Chief Minister of Karnataka.
During the animation, Gandhi put an egg marked “Muslim” on bird’s nest; thereafter he fed the “Muslim” cubs with cash while his competitors were struggling over it until it grew up into SC ST OBC cub which pushed out other three amidst giggles from Gandhi and Siddaramaiah.
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