On Thursday (September 5, 2024) morning a Central team sent by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) to evaluate the extent of damages from the floods in the NTR, Guntur and Prakasam reached Vijayawada. In addition to assessing the extent of the loss, the dam safety of the structures will be assessed.
The team headed by Sanjeev Kumar Jindal, Additional Secretary of MoHA, arrive at the State Disaster Management Authority’s State Emergency Operations Centre at Kunchanapalli in Guntur district to familiarize with the area before moving to the affected flood zones in Vijayawada and other cities.
Induction of senior officials from NDMA, NDRF, and Central Water Commission, the group is to make a report for submission to the Central Government which will facilitate the disbursement of emergency funds in damage situations as prompted by the report.