The Indian film actor Varun Dhawan once again won the hearts of his fans with his stunning cameo in Stree 2, a sequel of a horror-comedy. The people loved it when he came and went, as Bhediya in Stree 2 hence making it more awaited. However, what was unexpected is that Varun Dhawan did not charge any money for performing his cameo role in Stree 2.
According to Pinkvilla report, someone close to Varun Dhawan and Dinesh Vijan revealed that Bhediya is a character they loved very much. Plans for another film were further consolidated by their success at the box office with the movie Bhediya featuring Kriti Sanon. Following the positive reception given to Varun’s appearance in Stree 2, the actor-producer duo are planning on releasing Bhediya 2 by end of next year.
Stree 2 has been met with mixed feelings from audiences due to its spine-tingling narrative; nonetheless, it has broken all records at the box office too. Shraddha Kapoor’s film along with Rajkummar Rao, Abhishek Banerjee, Aparshakti Khurana and Pankaj Tripathi has made an impressive Rs. 270 crore within just seven days including paid previews’ collections.