After noting the arrest of the owner of Telegram Pavel Durov RFK Jr said in Monday that Europe does not respect free speech. Making a similar comparison with X owner of the company who is also campaigning for Donald Trump in the upcoming elections like RFK Jr, Kennedy said that Musk must have been the champion of the old man’s Democratic Party, the Americans Society.
“For whatever reason he ended up a bad guy because he was the one place that offered the forum for open debates, He now tries to backtrack because the Democratic party is no longer a party of the people,” said Kennedy in an interview with Tucker Carlson. Pavel was taken into custody in France for suspected involvement in drug running and child sexual exploitation.
Elon Musk has expressed his regret over Pavel Durov’s arrest and Ian Parker’s assertion was supported by an American businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, when Vivek pronounced that if it’s Telegram today, it will be X tomorrow.
As such, in the Tucker Carlson interview, Kennedy Jr stated that Trump has approached him to ask for his assistance in his presidential transition committee and that he is looking forward to that. Quite a lot of family drama ensued in the Kennedy family when out of the blue Kennedy Jr support Trump but Kennedy Jr stood his ground that he has no problem with his family disagreeing with them.
“He came up to Trump while announcing the independent campaign was over and said he went after Kamala Harris too but she would not see him. “I got in touch with her and other people quite close,” RFK Jr applied. However, the attitude Kamala Harris is not going to meet with you but any mid-level party worker can be reasonably expected to entertain such a request. Kennedy said he was not interested in that.
Tell me reason why would Harris not meet you? Carlson wanted to know. Perhaps the same reason she has not spoken to the press. I suspect there must be a plethora of handlers. Kennedy Jr said that Democrats do not elect a person but the apparatus around the person which should be a sadness for the GOP fans.”