Chikkamagaluru police have launched a special drive at tourist places to book cases against people causing public nuisance, rash and drunk driving. Besides booking cases, the police have seized cars and initiated legal action against those involved.
The police began the drive following reports of tourists engaging in mass dancing on the road and consuming alcohol in open places. A team led by Sub-Inspector Renuka D.V. of Banakal Police Station in Mudigere taluk visited Devaramane, a tourist spot, on July 8 and booked 20 cases under the Karnataka Police Act, which deals with punishment for street offences and nuisance.
Besides that, nine cases were booked against people who smoked cigarettes in public.
Lingadahalli police booked a case against four persons on the charges of causing public nuisance, rash and drunk driving. The police seized their car.
Hundreds of tourists visit Chikkamagaluru during the weekends and on holidays. The sudden increase in vehicles causes traffic jams. When tourists cause public nuisance, the local people and also other tourists are affected.
Chikkamagaluru Superintendent of Police Vikram Amathe said that the police would curb nuisance and illegal activities at all places where tourists congregate. Police had noticed many people consuming alcohol in vehicles.
The SP appealed to visitors not to consume alcohol in public places and park vehicles only in designated places keeping in mind the convenience of other visitors and the local people. The visitors are expected to maintain decorum. They are also expected to follow the instructions of the Forest Department, he said. He advised tourists not to take selfies in dangerous spots.