The Kerala High Court on Thursday (5 September 2024) dismissed a public interest writ Petition filed for directions to a Central investigation agency for free and fair investigation relating to the allegations levelled by Left Independent legislator P.V. Anvar against M.R. Ajith Kumar, Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) and ex-District Police Chief of Malappuram Sujith Das.
These include acting Chief Justice A. Muhamed Mustaque and Justice S. Manu . This exercise could not be instrumental in persuading how and when the PIL was moved even before any action was initiated by the government or the authorities on the said allegations. There was absolutely no reason to entertain the petition, the court added.
When the petition came up for hearing, the special government pleader submitted that a special investigation team had already been constituted and an order in this regard was issued a couple of days ago. There should be no added concerns regarding expansion of activity in consideration of every complainant who had submitted his complaint to the special investigation team at the time when they had worked upon am application very soon. The petition was, therefore, premature and filed with an intention of getting undue publicity to the petitioner.
Contention of the Petitioner
The petitioner in this case is George Vattukulangam. These reasons do not visit particularly because the police themselves are implicated in the allegations. More specifically, the investigation centered on political interference causing corruption within the ranks of North Eastern Police. An immediate investigation by one of the national serving agencies was required or if not it may hamper the proper collection of evidence.