Bollywood actress Divya Seth Shah, who is famous for playing the mother of Shahid Kapoor in Jab We Met, has experienced an unrecoverable loss. On 5th August 2024, her daughter Mihika Shah aged 23 passed away unexpectedly in Mumbai.
This news of Mihika’s death has rocked both the industry and fans. Divya shared this devastating news on Facebook and revealed that there would be a prayer meeting for her daughter on August 8. According to a report published by India Today, Mihika got a fever which later ended up into seizure.
Mihika was an intelligent girl with everything going for her; she was also the granddaughter of veteran actress Sushma Seth. Just one month prior to this tragedy taking place, Divya had posted on Instagram heartwarming pictures of her family expressing love and pride towards her child. In the caption, it read “DNA is the only Reality / Everything else is so much hard work.”
As a result of these premature demise of Mihika has been very distressing for their family. Through this immense sadness, Divya Seth is currently coping with the loss as she grieves over this great loss that she suffered from being considered one of Bollywood’s most celebrated actresses who have featured in numerous films and television programs throughout their careers.