As election enthusiasm sweeps Chhota Udaipur assembly constituency gujaratThe latest announcement by the Election Commission on March 17 has raised expectations for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. With polling day scheduled for May 7, the Chhota Udaipur constituency braces for a high-stakes showdown between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress (INC), led by Jashubhai Bhilubhai Rathwa and Sukhrambhai Rathwa respectively.
In the electoral history of Chhota Udaipur Assembly constituency, 2014 and 2019 were important epochs that charted the democratic fervor and political transformation in the area.
In the 2019 congressional elections, the constituencies actively participated, with a total of 1,671,253 voters exercising their Democratic franchise. This is an increase from the 1,536,305 voters recorded in 2014 and demonstrates the increasing participation of citizens in shaping the political discourse in Chota Udaipur.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) maintained its dominance in both elections, with Rathva Gitaben Vajesingbhai emerging victorious in 2019. Her victory was resounding, garnering 764,445 votes, and reaffirmed the BJP’s resonance with voters.
In 2014, the victory of the PPP was represented by Ramsinh Rathwa, who received 607,916 votes. Fellow Indian National Congress (INC) Naranbhai Jemalabhai Rathva lagged behind, reflecting the BJP’s stronghold in the region.
Fast forward to 2019, Rathva Gitaben Vajesingbhai’s electoral victory continued the BJP’s tradition, leading by a significant margin of 377,943 votes. Rathava Ranjitsinh Mohansinh from INC came second with 386,502 votes, indicating the persistence of both parties in the electoral competition.
In the electoral history of Chhota Udaipur Assembly constituency, 2014 and 2019 were important epochs that charted the democratic fervor and political transformation in the area.
In the 2019 congressional elections, the constituencies actively participated, with a total of 1,671,253 voters exercising their Democratic franchise. This is an increase from the 1,536,305 voters recorded in 2014 and demonstrates the increasing participation of citizens in shaping the political discourse in Chota Udaipur.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) maintained its dominance in both elections, with Rathva Gitaben Vajesingbhai emerging victorious in 2019. Her victory was resounding, garnering 764,445 votes, and reaffirmed the BJP’s resonance with voters.
In 2014, the victory of the PPP was represented by Ramsinh Rathwa, who received 607,916 votes. Fellow Indian National Congress (INC) Naranbhai Jemalabhai Rathva lagged behind, reflecting the BJP’s stronghold in the region.
Fast forward to 2019, Rathva Gitaben Vajesingbhai’s electoral victory continued the BJP’s tradition, leading by a significant margin of 377,943 votes. Rathava Ranjitsinh Mohansinh from INC came second with 386,502 votes, indicating the persistence of both parties in the electoral competition.