According to the police, ammonia gas was leaking out of one of the sections where seventeen workers working for a food processing unit in Yavat area of Pune district were admitted on Wednesday (August 7, 2024).
The plant in Bhandgaon near Yavat is engaged in the production of ready-to-eat food, which requires temperatures below 18 degrees Celsius that are maintained through ammonia.
A top cop at Yavat Police Station, Narayan Deshmukh said that “ammonia leaked on Wednesday. Twenty-five mostly female workers were present at that time.”
Among the seventeen workers affected by the leak as she was closest to it when it happened; there was one woman who suffered more than others according to Mr. Deshmukh.
This led to shutting down of the main regulator after which hospitalization followed as those impacted complained about shortness of breath and feeling unwell. Meanwhile, sixteen other laborers remain steady while this same woman directly exposed to gas is being treated into ICU with no further danger. ”She is currently under observation but her condition has stabilized; she remains safe nonetheless.”