On Monday, to everyone’s delight and surprise, she scored 92 per cent (best among five subjects) in her Class 10 exams.She is also the top scorer in this competition Hindi Got 98% in her school.
Mumbai girl who lost her arm says I didn’t let tragedy overwhelm me
With the news of CISCE results coming, city international school Celebrations erupted in Andheri, Mumbai, where Ananta studied. “She had always been a bright student, but because of what she had been through, anyone could have fallen into severe depression. Despite her physical pain, it was her positivity that got her through it.
A visibly delighted Ananta told TOI: “Doctors had suggested to my parents that I should take a break from school for a year or two, but I was reluctant to do so as I didn’t want to sit at home and school also motivated and motivated me to keep going.” Talking about the challenges of preparing for the exam, she said: “After coming back from the hospital, the first thing I thought about was getting the full use of my left arm.
My doctor recommended some exercises and I watched social media clips. “However, the bigger challenge is writing with my left hand because I’m not used to it.
It took me several months to finish it, but my teacher insisted that I should have a writer and not compromise on speed during exams. So, I was provided with a writer,” she said. She further said, “Because I was an only child, I had to move past the trauma and be determined not to let this tragedy overwhelm me.
In the hospital I saw horrific cases of burns and I considered myself lucky that I was alive… When I got home I put a note on my door: ‘Careful – no sympathy’,” she added .
Her father, ad film producer Aqeel Ahmed, said: “Ananta was my life and no one can imagine what I went through, watching my only child in a hospital bed Writhing in pain, doctors gave up hope of recovery. She was a gifted girl who showed an iron will.