The streaming platform, Prime Video announced that the Unscripted Original show entitled Follow Kar Lo Yaar will be shown on August 23rd. This nine-episode series is produced by Fazila Allana and Kamna Menezes for Sol Productions’ and directed by Sandeep Kukreja. It is an unbiased take on the life of Uorfi Javed, the biggest viral sensation from India. Follow Kar Lo Yaar will stream in Hindi with English subtitles on Amazon’s Prime Video.
This unorthodox reality-follow series gives an insight into Uorfi Javed, a celebrity who is despised by some people but loved by others whereas no one can disregard her even after all she faces. A glimpse of this mysterious world of constant media attention around Uorfi, as well as behind-the-scenes drama, is offered to viewers through shows likeFollow Karlo Yaar.The realness of her life outside social media beyond glitz and glam on gram beyond weirdo posts or stories about herself, the ugly truth concerning her personal life away from camera, her difficult journey overcoming many obstacles in life so she becomes famous, almost obsessed with success and popularity; unraveling also the complex dynamics present in her family set up.
“Stories about resilience and ambition are always relatable for audiences, and Uorfi’s story moving from a common girl in Lucknow to becoming one of the most visible faces in India is truly amazing. Her tale has been characterized by unwavering resolve and passion to forge a distinct way within fashion & entertainment industry starting from humble backgrounds before ultimately evolving into social media starlet-cum-hard-nosed entrepreneur,” shared Nikhil Madhok Vice President at Prime Video Originals India.“We are excited to bring Follow Kar Lo Yaar– an engaging reality-follow series which also serves as an attraction worldwide,” said Nikhil Madhok.
In a statement issued by Fazila Allana and Kamna Menezes of Sol Productions Pvt Ltd, they said “We are elated to partner with Prime Video on the unforgettable journey of Uorfi Javed in Follow Kar Lo Yaar. From an ordinary person to being one of the most searched Asian celebrities of 2022, her life and background have puzzled many for years, thus making her a topic for discussion. Uorfi’s touching narrative is expected to resonate throughout India and in 240 countries/regions worldwide where Prime Video is available.”