On Friday, Ukraine limited the use of Telegram for its government, military and security personnel, saying there were issues with the national security.
The National Security and Defence Council made the announcement on Facebook stating that they suspect people in Russia may have access to such personal data and messages as are available on the app, used for communications not only in Ukraine.
Employees serving videos or audio recording on Telegram owe this most of the time since it remains an important mode of communication for the army and the public authorities.
Intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov articulated that the Kremlin is likely to access different types of messages relating to telegram outlines that include deleted messages as well as their users’ information. He was emphatic that this is not about the freedom of expression, this is about the integrity of the country.
Just last month, security officials also issued a notice that Moscow has a lot of Telegram activities which are mischievous, “counterattacking, phishing and mal-ware dispersing, geo-positioning, computation of missile strike positioning etc.”
One high-ranking security officer confided in AFP that “this only deploys to official networks for the time being” and that “ordinary, private telecommunications may still be used.” “Yes, but they can also use it for Russian Telegram hacks,” the official continued, explaining modern technologies, grand illusions of information management comprehensively fail, and indeed relevant leaks presence such primary weapon regularly connected with such hacking tools flooding the information.
This follows Pavel Durov, founder and head of Telegram being arrested in France last month for allegedly posting forbidden material on the app. Durov is at present prohibited from leaving French territory.
The arrest was made over accusations that Telegram has not done enough to fight illegal practices on the site. Durov was said to have exercised insufficient controls thus permitting organized crime with such activities as drug abuse and child sex related content.