M.K. Stalin, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, touched down at San Francisco’s airport in the United States on Wednesday (Thursday morning IST). At the airport, K. Srikar Reddy, the Indian Consul General in San Francisco, and other eminent persons welcomed the CM and his wife Durga Stalin.
Among those staff members who met Mr. Stalin at the airport include the staff of Tamil Nadu’s adjudicated cabinet member T. R. B. Rajaa, {among }the chairperson Non Resident Tamils Welfare Board Karthikeya Sivasenapathy as well as the actor and ex union minister of state D. Napolean, the press release said.
Other programs, for which Mr. Stalin is expected to meet with investors in the San Francisco and then Chicago provide address to the Tamil community in the country, are scheduled to be completed. Mr. Stalin is expected to arrive in chennai in the second week of September.