On June 14th, 2024, The Tamil Nadu Government has announced a Delta Kuruvai Cultivation Special Package scheme 2024 with an estimated cost of ₹78.67 crore which will benefit farmers in the Cauvery delta districts over the kuruvai paddy cultivation season.
The release of water from Mettur dam into Stanley reservoir did not occur on June 12, as the storage level is still low.
“According to Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare M.R.K. Panneerselvam, “Due to unforeseen circumstances, monsoon delay and lack of sufficient water in Mettur dam this year have delayed the release of water for farming in Cauvery delta region.”
Mettur dam could not discharge water on June 12th as scheduled; hence, according to the Minister M.K. Stalin’s orders a special package for kuruvai cultivation was being introduced.
Under the package are provisions for distribution of about two thousand metric tonnes (MT) paddy seeds for about one lakh acres to be grown at Agricultural Extension Centres at a subsidy rate of 50%. There is also an allocation of ₹40 crore as subsidy towards promoting mechanized paddy farming.
There would be bio-fertilizers, micronutrients as well as zinc sulphate and gypsum provided at subsidised prices at fifty percent off. Similarly quality seeds will be offered by us at concessional rates. Also inclusive are several types of farming equipments and drones that will be given to farmers at subsidized costs.”