The Odisha Police on Wednesday (September 18, 2024) suspended pending disciplinary action five personnel at the Bharatpur police station in Bhubaneswar for the ‘gross misconduct’ even as a charge of harassment and assault is raised by Police against an Army Captain and his wife to be.
After an initial order of transfer of the Police staff was modified to Order of suspension after prolonged persuasion of army and senior police officers in the State, said an Army official. Five police personnel comprise two Inspectors, two Assistant Sub Inspectors and one Constable.
On September 18, the Orissa High Court is scheduled to review the bail application of the officer’s fiancée who also sought on AIIMS-Bhubaneswar a medical concern. The court also ordered that in these situations, the concerned investigating officer shall also be available by virtual mode when the plea for bail is taken up.
At the same time, the National Commission for Women has taken cognizance of the case of an Army officer and his lady friend who alleged that they were ‘abused in custody’ by the Odisha police. NCW has informed through X platform, “A formal letter has been sent to the DGP requesting within three days that an action taken report be furnished regarding vs social media platform ‘X’ calling for immediate disciplinary action in this case.”
In a news article of Tuesday in Odisha police said that the crime branch will investigate the whole incident. The Bureau of Available date has deepened inquiry into the conditions of the failure of the CCTV cameras.
The couple was supposedly manhandled by the cops at the police station after an incessant feud that spilled over past the witching hour of Saturday. This culminated when they advanced to the police station to lodge a complaint against indiscernible miscreants who were driving in a speedy manner and verbally abused the couple. The woman has been in custody since she was attacked in the station with a shattered jaw and major injuries. The discussion was held at the topmost levels of the State government by Army on this subject and Army even requested a re-medical examination.