The veteran actor and director, Sachin Pilgaonkar is going to make his fans happy by releasing a long-awaited sequel to this Marathi movie ‘Navra Maaza Navsaacha’. The iconic comedy which won hearts in 2004 is coming back with a new chapter.
He expressed his excitement about the project saying that too much love for the first film made the team to go for part two. The movie will bring together again the original actors including Sachin and his wife Supriya Pilgaonkar plus Ashok Saraf who plays as their favorite character.
His PR team said, “Navra Maaza Navsaacha holds a special place in my heart, and to see the overwhelming love and anticipation from our fans has been incredibly humbling. We have poured our hearts into the sequel and I know without a doubt that this family entertainer will be loved by our loyal audience who have always so supported me and my movies.”
Swapnil Joshi, Hemal Ingle, Siddharth Jadhav are joining the line-up of stars ensuring freshness in laughter and entertainment. The film is set to hit theatres on September 20th.