Give your aspirations a check in order to enjoy the life. Use yoga, which will teach you how to live yourself healthily physically mentally and spiritually and make your mood better. Those who had invested their money previously are likely to gain from it today. Small children keep you busy and give happiness. Do not be obscene towards your girlfriend. Focus on your goals carefully if you want more than expected achievements in your life. Shopping is one of the activities that will consume most of your day time. Your married life will be stressed enough due to the lack of daily necessities fulfillment today. They could be about anything such as food, cleaning, and other household chores among others.
Lucky Number :- 6
Lucky Color :- Transparent and Pink
Remedy :- Worship banana tree, and light ghee lamps near this tree on Thursdays, for a fulfilling love life.
Today’s Rating
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

Fundamentally, Libra daily horoscope informs the course of events that you will experience in a given day. This will help you adjust your routine schedule thus preventing any mishaps before they occur. It is wise to have some insight about future occurrences so as to make prior preparations. That way, you can think ahead and allocate time for various activities. This guidance will help you create an atmosphere of fortune within that particular period and also grant enough time for necessary changes to be made if need be.
Also read: Today Lucky Colour
You may have questions such as, What is a Libra? What does it mean to be Libra? Or Who are the best matches for Libras? Here at Astrosage, we shall discuss everything about Libra sign in the context of our daily Today’s Libra horoscope. It also helps you know what your everyday duties should be like. For Indians, they refer to Panchang so that they can choose Muhurta for starting any auspicious activity. The belief is that if you begin something new during this time then most probably, that endeavor will be more beneficial to you. Before going further into the subject matter on Daily Horoscope for Libra, one must first understand what exactly the sign is all about.
Also read: Today Lucky Number
What is Libra Sign?
The seventh sign of Kaal Purush Kundali is where Libra horoscope today is based on. It is the seventh sign of the zodiac which occupies the seventh house in Kaal Purush Kundali. This sign extends to 300 in longitude. From Vernal Equinox, it starts at 180th degree and goes to 2100. Also this point marks the beginning of Autumnal Equinox because it is a meeting point for ecliptic and celestialEquator. In Chitra Nakshatra, there are parts three and four; Swati consists entirely of a pada; Vishakha Nakshatra has its first three pada while Anuradha has one pudia alone.
Taurus is the first sign, and it is governed by Venus. This is a mutable sign which means it symbolizes balance. “Venus” rules this sign. Saturn only gets exalted in this sign at 20th degree and Sun gets debilitatedin this sign at 100. In other words; Moon, Mars, Jupiter are enemy planets for Libra. It also has the symbol of a man holding scales in the market square. It denotes commerce/ business activities. It makes a man to be diplomatic too.
Libra Born people and their Physical Appearance
Libra horoscope today will help you to know about your day to day tasks and also tell you about the
physical expressions which may vary due to regular transit of planets in different zodiac signs. You
may also get to know about the appearance of people, which may help you to analyse the physical stature
of an individual. If you are Libra born then you may have physical stature as listed below:
Also read: Today Horoscope
- They are tall with well proportioned body.
- They have slender and strong limbs.
- They have a graceful appearance with sweet smile and attractive countenance. Their eyebrows add beauty
in their face. - They have little bent nose like a parrot.
Characteristics of Libra Born People
We have described physical features of Libra born people. Now, we will talk about the key characteristics of Librans which set them apart from other sun signs.
- They can maintain a mental equilibrium, weigh merits and demerits and pass a dispassionate opinion.
- They are the best judges and constructive critics.
- They are courteous, modest and gentle. They are always up for a happy and harmonious life.
- They only want to have peace at any cost. They are upright and sympathetic.
- They try to lead a pleasant life with all fruits. They are fond of dresses, perfumes, art and music.
- Being Venus the ruling lord of this sign, they belong under the category of movable signs and change
their residence frequently. They may have hobbies like photography, gardening, drawing, painting etc. - Librans may give up their comfort level for the sake of others’ happiness.
- Libra is an airy sign. It provides fertile imagination, correct intuition, admirable refinement, brilliant
intellect, pleasant nature etc. - They are proper advisor to plan anything in regards to the future.
- They usually tend towards spiritual side of life rather than physical one.
- They are very affectionate and gentle. They are easy going, remarkably shrewd and never hurt others’
feelings. - They are not a bully and bluster. They are persuasive and accomplished diplomats.
- They enjoy their life with opposite sexes. They argue with clarity and forethought due to lordship of
Mars over second house. - They have the capability to handle any situation tactfully. Neat touch and fine finish are the basic
traits of Librans. - They have warmth and charming manners, which makes them the peacemakers.
- They take interest in their dresses, furniture, conveyance and other comforts.
- They generally like music, especially romantic music, arts, creativity etc.
What does Libra sign signify in various aspects of life?
Knowing the different parts of your life on a daily basis is what today’s Libra horoscope will do. This can be achieved by our everyday activities and understanding what it means to be born under this sign in real life which all comes through the Libra daily horoscope. For some aspects represented by sign Libra, Read about them below:
By creating peace to everyone around them, they are always happy family people. They havebeautifully furnished houses with complete luxuries. They prefer pleasant life and want to enjoy allthe fruits of life; hence, they decorate their homes with designs,and paintings etc.
They are experts in love matters, lovable beings. They can attract their partners becauseof these qualities within them. They wear attractive clothes with sweet fragrances on their bodiesand always smiling faces.They lose interest in something very easily due to being movable as wellas fall in passion for something without any reason at times.They admire having opposite sexcompany.They like nice talk.Libran’s mostly get married earlier in life than others.These respect the culture.They are comfortable home buddies as well as outgoing.
Business is best done together with partners by these people. As far as suggestions are concerned,Librans may work as an advisor or consultant since they give the right suggestion at right time.Orators too and advocates by nature do not lack behind for this person.Liquid related profession maybe indicated because moon planet rules this house 10th.Apart from that druggists or chemists might also come under this sign.Painters or those working on hydro-electric system ,transport,navigation or food,milkor juicy fruit business might also be seen among Librans who could even become story writer,singers,civil engineer,gardener for children mainly girls and boys or airhostess.Besides that,good salesman,liaison officer,receptionist.
They have generally good physique but not normal resistance against common contagious diseases.Kidneys which are indicated by Libra.
Lucky Day:
Sundays and mondays bring them success if they are fortunate. Saturdays bringgreat prosperity for them as Saturn rules over kendra and trikona houses for Libra. .Litigation,competition and speculations can be done on a Tuesday that will give instant gains.Long journeys are denoted by Wednesdays.Their worst day is Thursday; however Fridayshave mixed results.
Lucky Colour: Orange, white and red.
Lucky Planet and Gemstone: Saturn,
Blue sapphire.
Lucky Number: 1, 4, 2 and 7 or 10, 13, 11, 16 etc.
What do all 12 houses signify for Libra Born?
In astrology, the houses play an important part in revealing various aspects of our lives. If you wish to know more about these houses and how they are affected on daily basis. Libra horoscope today will tell you more about your Libra daily horoscope. The astrology is very vast says that all aspects of lifeare covered within this subject and these all things work through god. For Libra born people it can be explained through the houses in astrology. Below are the twelve houses for Libra born people which we have explained below .
- First House: It represents “yourself”. Libra itself rules over the first house for Libra people. Its ruler is Venus.
- Second House: Family, Wealth and Finances are represented by the second house. The planet Mars rules Scorpio, which also governs the second house for Librans.
- Third house: Third house indicates Communication & Siblings in any horoscope. Sagittarius rules over this house of astrology for Libra individuals with Jupiter as its ruler.
- Fourth House: Fourth House means Sukhsthana or the mother’s abode. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and it governs fourth house among Libras.
- Fifth House: Fifth house stands for Children and Education. Aquarius governs fifth one amongst them and its ruling planet is Saturn.
- Sixth House: This house relates to debt, disease and enemy. The Sixth Zodiac Sign is Pisces, which corresponds to the ruling planet of this palace – Jupiter.
- Seventh House: It represents partnership, spouse and marriage. Aries rules over seventh house in case of a native born under Libra zodiac sign, with Mars being its ruler.
- Eighth House: This house represents “Longevity” & “Mystery”. Taurus rules over eighth one among them; its ruling planet being Venus.
- Ninth House: Ninth house denotes “Guru/Teacher” & “Religion”. Gemini rules over Ninth house for Libra Ascendant and Mercury becomes the lord
- Tenth House: Tenth-house means career or profession or Karma sthana. Cancer controls tenth one among them; while Moon is its lord that are considered by people born in this sign
- Eleventh House: Eleventh-house means gains and incomes. Leo comes under eleventh that are taken up by Lagnas (Ascendants) of persons born under Libra; Sun becoming their lord
- Twelfth House: Twelfth-house refers to expenditure and losses or Moksha or “Final Liberation”. Virgo represents this house in the case of Libra born individuals and it is ruled by the planet Mercury.
The meaning, qualities and astrological houses importance of Libra native people were exhibited. You can have these characteristics as a Libra ascendant person. To know about daily libra for today, read our libra horoscope today. It would be more appropriate if you are aware of your future occurrences in order to take the necessary measures earlier or before starting any new assignments.
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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Monthly Libra Horoscope
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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Libra Characteristics
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» Libra Facts
Lucky Number: 2, 7, 1
Lucky Colors: Orange and white
Lucky Day: Sunday and Monday
» Libra Compatibility
I am :
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