The Kerala High Court on July 24, 2020 stayed the State Information Commission’s order of July 19, 2020 for a period of one week which directed the Kerala government to disclose the report of Justice K Hema Committee on ‘Working Conditions of Women in Film Industry’ with limited redactions.
On Tuesday a single judge bench consisting of Justice P. M. Manoj issued an interim stay after hearing a writ petition filed by film producer Sajimon Parayil against this order.
The court also asked the state government, SIC as well as other respondents to file an affidavit in reply to this plea.
It was argued that there is no public interest served by making available details that compromise witnesses and infringe on fundamental privacy rights and confidence between witnesses and investigators, and are contrary to fundamental public policy.
According to him, even though such information is censored out from the report still it will not be sufficient since many people were interviewed whose identity can be known due to “trivial details” hence endangering their lives or subjecting them to more punishment if they were complainants or witnesses. The crucial aspect of confidentiality in this Report is significant as far as protecting those who participated in it is concerned thereby creating trust in government investigations regarding work issues.
In addition, petitioner said; the unilateral decision to publish this report without prior consultation amounts to violation of principles of natural justice where stakeholders including players in the industry never got any chance to satisfy themselves about possible false allegations or critiques that would unfairly ruin their good names and means of livelihoods.
Justice Hema Committee which was formed following sexual assault case against an actress in 2017 submitted its report on December 31 last year but has not been made public due its nature being sensitive.