Kangana Ranaut, known for her varied roles in Bollywood and her political career as a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of Parliament representing Mandi constituency in Himachal Pradesh had recently depicted a great kindness towards one’s family. After celebrating with his cousin at the wedding, Kangana has given away to them a new home in Chandigarh city, which symbolizes a new chapter for this young couple.
Kangana Ranaut gifts newly married cousin a house in Chandigarh; defines generosity
Family bond peps up
Varun, who is Kangana’s relative took to his Instagram handle to express gratitude for an unexpected gift. He shared photos of their newly built house and captioned them saying “Thank you Didi @kanganaranaut…Chandigarh is home now.” Furthermore, he divulged the family’s happiness on beginning life afresh again at that beautiful place where Kangana was present and gave her blessings.
Kangana’s message of sharing
Also on her own social media page Kangana Ranaut re-posted Varun’s sincere post citing teachings by Gurunanak Dev ji about giving away what you have. This act talks about the joy she feels whenever she gives something out signifying how much she appreciates generosity and family bonds. This single action also signifies that Kangana takes both her professional/political careers as well as her position within extended family seriously.
Acting vs politics
Despite being an active politician, Kangana continues to make ripples in showbiz. Her upcoming film called Emergency where she will portray former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi has been making headlines. With Anupam Kher, Milind Soman Mahima Chaudhry Shreyas Talpade among others just to mention but a few, this movie promises viewers exciting moments of historical occurrences since it brings together many talented actors.
Bollywood meets Politics: Kangana Ranaut’s multifaceted career. From impactful screen performances to her mandates as an elected representative, Kangana keeps on inspiring and leaving a mark. Not only does the recent generous act show her spirit of generosity but it also serves to affirm the significance of family bonds and support in her life.